Saturday, November 13, 2010

Meal 8

Chicken w. Pepper Onion
Rating: 7(Succulent) 

Fortune of the day: You will overcome many obstacles.

I could literally copy Meal 7’s description and paste it for the Chicken w. Pepper Onion, subbing in the chicken for the steak of course. The two meals were identical except for the farm animal they decided to throw in the wok. In the title they switched pepper with the meat product and produced the same dish. Don’t get me wrong, it was still quite pleasurable to consume, it’s just difficult to find something special in this dish that I have not already told you about in Meal 7. Just in case you missed Meal 7 (which you shouldn’t because it’s posted directly below this one) the dish was cooked with green bell peppers and onions. They too were prepared to perfection adding an important flavor to the meal. The soy sauce based sauce was once again salty but with the right quantity. Given that no factor put my taste buds into a Full Nelson yet it was effortlessly devoured, it gets the same as the previous meal, a decent 7.


  1. looks like it has already been eaten once....

  2. It does look like it has been but I does taste a lot better than it looks!!!
